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2013 | 15 | 1 | 84-106

Article title

Coping at School - Academic Success or/and Sustainable Coping in Future?


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The purpose of the research was to monitor opinions of learners, parents and teachers on the aspects of coping at the second level of primary school in both Estonian-medium and Russian-medium schools. The research was carried out from 2006 to 2011. The research used a questionnaire which was administered to 652 learners and their parents in Forms 4 through 6 at both Estonian-medium and Russian-medium general education schools. In the second part of the research, 30 teachers from the same selection were interviewed. The results of the research show that the learners, parents and teachers who took part in the research in both Estonian-medium and Russian-medium schools link the aspects of coping with academic success. Additionally, teachers in schools with Estonian as the language of instruction consider the learnersí skills of social coping also important. Both the Estonian-medium and Russian-medium school teachers consider home and parents the main factors that influence coping skills. According to the teachers, changes in society have changed common beliefs, attitudes and the way of thinking among the parents and the learners, causing difficulties in learnersí academic as well as social coping. Based on the rapid changes in society, it is important to reorient teacher education. Social skills, forming the basic skills of learning, and accessing different websites for studying will become crucial in teaching the new generation.









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  • Institute of Education Sciences, Tallinn University, 25 Narva Street, Tallinn 10120, Estonia


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