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2014 | 18 | 1 | 1-21

Article title

The Discursive Mind Model

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The paper proposes the model of discursive mind and describes the cognitive architecture of the dialogically structured mind. The model draws on Hermans’ (1999) theory of the dialogical self (DS) and Wertsch’s (1991) vision of mind as a “tool kit” with socio-cultural instruments, and also on the socio-cognitive approach to personality in experimental psychology. An I-position is understood here as an active totality of experience, shaped in a particular social context and represented in a separate representation module. Th ere are many modules in the mind because in the course of socialization, the individual comes across many different social contexts. Th e described model and its preliminary empirical verification not only gives support to the DS theory, but can also be a leverage of its contribution to general theories of mind stemming from other theoretical traditions









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  • Helena Chodkowska University of Management and Law, Warsaw
  • University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw
  • Hubert Suszek, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Stawki 5/7, 00-183 Warsaw, Poland
  • University of Warsaw
  • Helena Chodkowska University of Management and Law, Warsaw


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