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2012 | 22 | 4 | 510-523

Article title

The Romani language in the Slovak educational system

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The paper analyses the use of the Romani language in the Slovak educational system. It focuses on the informal use of Romani in schools, as about 10% of all pupils speak Romani as their mother tongue but there are no schools that use Romani as the language of instruction. The theoretical framework draws mainly on the work of P. Bourdieu and S. May on the symbolic power of language. The empirical chapter is based on qualitative data collected at ten primary schools in different parts of Slovakia, as well as interviews with decision makers and experts. On the basis of the empirical research, three questions are posed. (1) Is Romani used in schools and if so how? (2) What attitudes do school staff have on the use of Romani? (3) Is the theory of Stephen May applicable to Slovakia and is Romani perceived to have merely sentimental value while Slovak is considered to have instrumental value? The article concludes that the perceived value of Romani in Slovakia is very low. From the point of view of school staff, it has no instrumental value and is perceived as a barrier rather than a benefit.










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  • Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences


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