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2008 | 41 | 4 | 136-143

Article title

Internet Marketing Communication and Schools: The Slovenian Case Study

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Worldwide, some 1.32 billon people now use the Internet (Internet World Stats 2007). In the developed countries the Internet is also present in educational institutions; schools use the Internet as a means of communication with their customers. In Slovenia, however, research focusing on Internet marketing communication are rare in the field of education. This paper provides the theoretical framework and the results of the qualitative case study conducted at a school centre in Slovenia in 2005. Data were collected through group interviews and document analysis. The findings support the School Centre teachers' claim that the Internet does not enable personal contacts and the sensory collection of physical evidence, which are considered to be major disadvantages of Internet marketing communication. The teachers who consider Internet marketing communication to be an advantage stress the importance of virtuality which can function as a simulation of communication in the real world. Their adversaries, on the other hand, stress the importance of the physical world and warn us of the negative sides of virtuality.










Physical description




  • Technical School Centre Nova Gorica, Cankarjeva 10, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  • Faculty of Management Koper, University of Primorska, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper, Slovenia


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