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2010 | 43 | 4 | 186-196

Article title

The Impact of Managers on Successful ERP Implementation


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Lately, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been implemented in public organizations and organizations without competition in the marketplace. It is the ERP system that is almost as badly needed for the competitiveness and success of those organizations in the marketplace. The main reason lies in the fact that operating costs have to be reduced and the optimization of business processes is an option which nowadays is normally implemented together with new ERP. The success rate of ERP implementation remains very low with up to a 90% failure rate, as it is quoted in a lot of researches. Critical success factors (CSF) which influence successful ERP implementation are identical in all organizations. The main goal of this research is to find out the managers' impact on the critical success factors and thus their impact on the successful ERP implementation. Top management support is the most important critical success factor for successful ERP implementation, regardless of the fact whether the organization is on the market or not.










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  • JZ RTV Slovenija, Kolodvorska 2, 1550 Ljubljana, Slovenija


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