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2012 | 56 | 4 | 165-176

Article title

Wymarzone Style Życia Polaków o Pragnieniach, Fantazjach, Aspiracjach Dotyczących Wypoczynku i Czasu Wolnego / Free Time - Fantasy, Dreams and Disappointment, or on Systemic Expectations Reflected in the Emotions

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The author raises the issues of emotion indirectly - through the exploration of projection, i.e., dreams and fantasies about free time. This material shows that free time appears above all as an emotional space, as it is much easier to experience than to define. These fantasies and dreams, although divorced from reality, refer to it directly and convey important information about the consciousness, imagination and reflections of Polish society; they combine with daily realities and reflect their basic tendencies. The analysis confirms the continuing topicality of a thesis presented at the beginning of the nineties on the pragmatisation of Polish society’s consciousness and its orientation toward material and consumer values. In addition, it can be stated that the sphere of dreams or distant projects is becoming a sort of security vent or protective mechanism which allows persons to deal with serious problems of a personal and social nature.








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  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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