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2013 | LXIV | 64 | 217-227

Article title

Z drugiej strony Bałtyku. Zapinka północnoeuropejskiej formy z V wieku z Wielkopolski



Title variants

From the Other Side of the Baltic Sea. A North-European Brooch from 5th c. AD Found in Great Poland

Languages of publication



The staggering harvest quantity of metal finds from recent discoveries has greatly added to the archaeological record on interregional exchange in Central and North Europe during the Roman Period and the Migration Period. This has been the effect not only of the activity of the research community but also, and to a much greater extent, of amateur prospectors with interest in prehistory and history of their region. For this type of activity in many countries, also in Poland, archaeology has yet to find a place not in conflict with academic research and legal regulations. From the village Pamiątkowo, distr. Szamotuły, we have a find of a cruciform brooch with a spade-like foot (Fig. 1) which has no analogy in this part of Central Europe. Even though the form of its foot is a distinguishing mark of brooches with a star- and a spade-like foot the key criterion for classifying this form nevertheless must be the shape of its head. For this reason the brooch from Pamiątkowo is attributed to the group of cruciform brooches; it is similar to brooches type Feering, Søndre Gammelsrød and Ådland acc. to J. Reichstein (Fig. 3). Using the classification criteria of M.-J. Bode (Fig. 2) the brooch find from Pamiątkowo may be dated to mid-5th century, possibly its third quarter. In the light of evidence now available the brooch discovered at Pamiątkowo would be the product of a workshop operating around mid-5th century and during its latter half in southern Sweden. This is not to say that in the environment of peoples inhabiting the southern Baltic coast during the 5th century brooches with three knobs by the head and a variously expanded foot were entirely foreign forms.







Physical description




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