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2017 | LXVIII | 68 | 296-302

Article title

Nieznane materiały z cmentarzyska z okresu wpływów rzymskich w Ostrowitem na ziemi dobrzyńskiej


Title variants

Newly Published Materials from Past Investigation of the Roman Period Cemetery at Ostrowite, County Rypin

Languages of publication



The cemetery at Ostrowite was first published by K. Hahuła in her study of Wielbark Culture in the Dobrzyń Land. In this contribution this author mentioned a bronze brooch type Almgren 95, now considered as lost, and a fragment of a three-layer comb, using them to establish the dating of the grave-field as phase B2/C1–C1a (K. Hahuła 1988, p. 100, fig. 4, pl. VI:7). Recently, the rediscovery of a brief note referring on the site at Ostrowite in the archives of the museum in Grudziądz (Muzeum im. ks. dr. Władysława Łęgi) dating to 1948 was followed by the publication of a sketch (Fig. 2) and a description of an urned burial discovered at that location that same year (H. Błachnio, W. Błachnio 2016, fig. 155–157). With this input it is possible to reconstruct the history of this discovery, identify the inventory of the urned burial, and the assemblage of stray finds picked up from the surface of the cemetery (Fig. 3). Now lost, the burial ground used to lie in the village of in Ostrowite, Commune Brzuze, County Rypin, on a tract of elevated ground, now fully lost to a gravel mine (Fig. 1). Błachnio unearthed an urned burial (Fig. 2), consisting of pottery vessels: a bowl, type XaA (Fig. 3:1), two handled cups, type XVA (Fig. 3:4) and XVC (Fig. 3:2), two diminutive forms, type XVIB (Fig. 3:3) and group XVII (Fig.3:5), next to which there was also a fragment of a three-layer comb, presumably antler, retaining a bronze rivet (Fig. 3:6), a fragment of a small bronze cylinder originally covering the brooch spring (Fig. 3:7) and a clay spindlewhorl (Fig. 3:8). Stray finds picked up from the surface of the cemetery included three bronze brooches, type Almgren 95 (Fig. 3:9–11), a fragment of a solid spring from a bronze brooch (Fig. 3:12) and around 100 uncharacteristic potsherds (now lost). Another find, reportedly recovered at Ostrowite was a bronze crossbow brooch, type Almgren 161 at Ostrowite (J. Janikowski 1976b, p. 82) is far from substantiated. The urned burial and the two brooches lacking context are datable broadly to phase B2/C1–C1a, the third brooch (Fig. 3:9) could be older, possibly dating to the end of the Early Roman Period, stage B2c. While the newly disclosed sources helped identify the exact location of the cemetery within the village they have not altered in any major way its dating to phase B2/C1–C1a (K. Hahuła 1988, fig. 4). At the same time, the newly available record suggests that the grave-field originally had a great many graves, now lost, and as such it could have a much broader chronological span.







Physical description




  • Muzeum im. ks. dr. Władysława Łęgi w Grudziądzu, ul. Wodna 3/5, PL 86-300 Grudziądz


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Document Type

Publication order reference


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