Loanwords occur in the recipient's language (in the same way as the native lexis) word-formation foundations for new derivatives. At present, we see more and more often derivatives based on loaned word-formation foundations in their original spelling, having the character of a quotation (traditionally, the word-formation foundation role was generally played by fully-adapted loanwords), which in the case of the languages confronted herein is the proof of the change in their typological structure, too. In general, the increased stream of loanwords nowadays is not without impact on all innovations in word-formation. These innovations in the two confronted languages show an increasingly high degree of variety of derivation techniques applied. This change leads to, in principle, narrowing the range of traditional suffixed word-formation for the benefit of non-suffixal word-formation, mainly compositional and negative or negative-paradigmatic derivation. This also means a decrease in simple derivation frequency, for the benefit of conplex derivation.