The textbook chapter is seeking to elucidate the chief trends of contemporary sociological theorizing as well as its principle problematique. Contemporary theorists are defined here as thinkers who have begun their intellectual careers after the death of T.Parsons. The issue of modernity - its origins, developments, and prospects - is identified as the main problem of contemporary sociological theorizing. Thus, the chapter outlines principle approaches to the conceptualization of modernity, while making the distinction among the notions of 'formation of modernity', 'modernization', and 'development'. The chapter discusses the trends of social changes in the 20th century. It also juxtaposes the background assumptions of positivist and post-positivist philosophy of science which serve as an underpinning of the sociological theorizing. The chapter questions traditional Eurocentric interpretation of the global history, while trying to avoid trap of the Orient-centered thinking. The text examines the structure of sociological theorizing on modernity and evaluates its claims to the practical utility.