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2009 | 10 | 81-97

Article title

STORY TELLING AS KEY TO LEARNING (Opowiesc o przebiegu zycia jako klucz do uczenia sie)

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Reflective, autonomous learning of mature students was the main focus of the research project undertaken by seven European partners (including Poland) over three years (Promotion Reflective and Independent Learning in Higher Education - PRILHE, Socrates Grundtvig project 113869-CP-1-2004-1-UK-GRUNDTVIG-G1. http://www.pcb.ub.es/crea/proyectos/prilhe/index.htm). The aim of this article is to discover what reflections about learning accompany students when they tell their stories. One particular Swedish case from the project is presented to serve this purpose. The way of conducting life history interview is regarded a crucial methodological tool that allows researchers to initiate processes of reflection and self-reflection. The case involves a male mature student who, while narrating his story, is puzzled by a sudden reflection and deepening self-reflection on his way of learning, and by the possible consequences of such learning for his personal, social and working life. The article presents an in-depth analysis of the biographical interview with the student. His discovery that learning is not only an individual and unique course, but a social process in its own right, triggers reflection and a spontaneous or even an illuminating reaction based on biographical learning. In the last part of the article, the concept of biographical learning is extended and linked to identity work as well as to the notion of the self and the others. G. H Mead's theory of the self is used with the support of empirical data. The intention is twofold: to challenge the predominant view in contemporary higher education discourse that learners are unique and individual persons who learn in a specific and distinct way without being affected by others; and to go beyond the view of collective versus individual learning, and advance the idea that learning is a profoundly social process from the very start.






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  • Agnieszka Bron , Department of Education, Stockholm University, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden


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