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2009 | 1 | 186-203

Article title

SOCIAL MARKETING: THE SUBJECT MATTER AND BASIC TYPES (Sotsialnyi marketyng: predmet i osnovni typy)


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A new approach to optimization of social processes management in modern societies is examined in the article, particularly as applied to Ukraine. The social marketing understood as a modern technology for organization of social sphere functioning is considered as a key approach in this context. The social marketing is characterized, on the one hand, as socially oriented technology tending to social responsibility of business, and, on the other hand, as a technology of 'promotion' of meaningful social problems. The basic types of the social marketing are described in the article, namely: political marketing, state marketing; territorial marketing and social marketing in the narrow sense of the term (i.e. marketing in the spheres of education service, public health, cultural production, religion, etc.). The scientific and practical potential of the conception of social marketing enables development of the effective approach to scientifically grounded regulation of social processes, solution of social problems, optimization of political activity, state and territorial administration and so on.


  • Dmytrp Akimov, Mizhnarodna akademija reitynhovykh tekhnolohii i sotsiolohii 'Zolota Fortuna', vul. Aistov 3, 01010, Kyiv, Ukraine


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

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