The confidential information protection (CIP) is not worked up in theory into conditions of the Slovak Republic, besides having regard to its unquestionable importance which increased and came new dimensions, mainly after that the Slovak Republic became a NATO and EU Member State. One of the selections at least of partial understanding of CIP system are knowledge got from its development analyse. Due to this article analysis historic legal context of the CIP developed in the territorial conditions of the Slovak Republic in the three time periods. The first time period is known by the era after the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic in 1918 and it introduces only briefly information. This fact is objectively subjected by the character of CIP in those days. The second period falls with the period after the World War II. This era of the CIP development and its character formation is signate then historical dependences, mainly by the creating and gradually fastening of the totalitarian regime on background of world partition to two antagonistic groupings of states. The last period in which is analysing the development of CIP is the period after principal social and political changes in 1989. The development of CIP is influenced by these changes and by the founding of the individual Slovak Republic and its incorporation into military, political and economic integrating groupings.