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2006 | 54 | 1 | 1-32

Article title

The Burial Ground of the Nitra Culture from Slatinice, district of Olomouc


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On October 2002 a small burial ground of the Nitra culture was explored east of Slatinice (distr. of Olomouc). A dense concentration of the graves on a rather small place in the context with excavated area leads us to the result that we explored the entire burial site. The shortest distance to the river Morava's right bank is 11 km. The graves were situated along the oval perimeter with an empty centre, the longer axis of which was SW-NE oriented and 22.5 m long; the shorter axis was NW-SE oriented and 15 m long. Fourteen graves were of oblong ground plan, in six graves the pit shape can be classified as a deformed rectangle, other two were trapeze. All of them have more or less rounded corners. The sidewalls of four graves were stepped. As far as their size is concerned, the grave pits rather varied. Apart from the children graves, the size of which corresponded with the deceased's age, the limits ranged between 215 x 135 cm and 130 x 85 cm. In the both men were buried. Comparing the size of these grave pits with those in which the women were buried, we found no substantial difference between male and female burials. The burial ground is characterised by a strict bipolarity in burying the deads. The men were lying on their right side, with the head to the SW, and the women on their left side, with the head to the NE. Equipment of the graves under study was relatively poor, consisting of pottery, copper jewellery, cylindrical bone or antler beads, flat nacre beads (total number of approx. 1000 pieces), the beads made of green-blue glass material - faience, bone awls and silicite blades and arrow points. Remains of meaty food, found at bottoms of vessels or in their vicinity can be classified as a charity. Only in one case the animal ribs were lying free behind the dead's back. Pottery was found in 9 graves (41%) and only 4 burials were without any equipment. The spectral analysis of the metal ornaments showed they were made of copper of the Slovak provenience; the analysis of the faience proved their Egyptian origin. Apart from the graves also industrial objects were explored on the area, 5 of them were of La Téne origin, 11 from the Roman period and 6 objects cannot be dated, lacking any finds.








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  • M. Smid, Ustav archeologicke pamatkove pece Brno, Oddeleni archeologickych vyzkumu Prostejov, Tetin 8, 796 01 Prostejov, Czech Republic


Document Type

Publication order reference


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