The study analyses an interesting problem from the point of view of knowledge of the position and direct political engagement of the Slovak cultural elites not only in general, but especially in the conditions of the authoritative regime of the Slovak Republic of the 1939-1945. The authoress does not perceive the cultural-historical reflection of this phenomenon in isolation in the relatively short period of modern Slovak history, but in continuity with the development of the post-revolution period of the First Czechoslovak Republic (1918 - 1939), that is from the period of the establishment of the modern Slovak nation. She also expresses a view on the unteachable repetition of this phenomenon in the subsequent post-war totality communist regime. She also observes that this phenomenon, namely the direct entry of the cultural elites into politics, is especially characteristic for totality regimes, where it usually acquires negative features, by which the participants are placed in insoluble intellectual and moral dilemmas. This marks usually not only their creative work, but also their destiny in life. This gives the problem not only a historiographic character, but also a timeless dimension.