In discussing globalization, various authors refer for different reasons to the category of hybridity and hybridization of culture. Each time it becomes a tool with the use of which they attempt to solve various, at times similar, sometimes disparate problems. Searching for answers to different questions and thus rendering the category of hybridization dissimilar meanings, social scientists engage it into contexts of manifold researches, controversies and debates. At the same time, the said category - when introduced into the realm of disputes over globalization - provokes one to pose further questions and spawns another discussions and controversies. Over the past few years the category of hybridization has become increasingly present in numerous conceptions and discourses on globalisation It has been referred to by various authors, both by the opponents and enthusiasts of globalisation, by those who lay hope in its progression and by those who fear it. In fact, even the hardest critics of certain uses and abuses of the notion of hybridization, can create new meanings and contexts for the use of it.