At the beginning of the 1990s the typical participants of the 'au pair' scheme were predominantly middle-class girls from Western Europe. However, this has changed in the last decades and girls from Eastern Europe have prevailed in the au pair stays which continue to be defined as 'cultural exchange'. Thus the meaning of the term 'au pair' has started to change, mainly because of the significantly different life experiences, material and structural backgrounds of au pairs from post-communist countries, such as Slovakia, the Czech Republic or Hungary, and because of the growing demand for a low-cost solution of child care in the West. The piecemeal transformation of the programme of cultural exchange to a part of the 'child care strategy' in Western European countries gives the au pair scheme an economic dimension hidden behind the official definition of the programme. This study, based on data from Internet agencies that mediate au pair stays, finds statistically significant differences in characteristics of an au pair from Eastern and Western Europe. It also states that there is coherence between the characteristics of au pairs and the economic situations of their countries of origin. The key differences in strategies of the 'Eastern' and 'Western' au pair are presented in the final typology.