Kyiv Mohyla Academy called after its founder, Russian Orthodox metropolitan Piotr Mohyla (1596-1647), was crucial for culture and religion in the Polish Republic and Ukraine. It influenced other countries 'from Moscow to far Siberia', as well as southern Europe. Intellectual and military elite of Orthodox Russia was associated with the Academy. Although its nature was Russian Orthodox, it was based on Jesuit and West European patterns. It combined Russian Orthodox elements and western culture. Greek, Old-Slavonic, Latin and Polish were taught there. However, it had a guaranteed status of academy only by the Hadiatch Treaty and later by Peter I. It was closed down in 1817 and re-appeared as the National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy a year after Ukraine had regained its independence, on 24th August 1992. The University accepts students at the following faculties: Arts, Economy, Biology, Law, Computer Studies and Sociology. The teaching process is based on the principle of 'Liberal arts education'.