Making use of the circumstances created after the World War I by the victory of the Entente Alliance, the Polish nation reconstructed its statehood after more than one hundred years of bondage. The restoration of independence has not been based on any constitutive act of international or even national law nature. Both the Entente Powers, which supported the Polish nation's aspirations, and the Central Powers which were hostile to them, did not play any direct role in establishing the Polish state in 1918. The reconstruction of statehood was achieved by the will and act of the Polish nation itself. However, there is no unanimous view on whether at that time the pre-partition Republic was restituted or a completely new state was created lacking any substantive connection with its predecessor. There is no doubt, however, that both theory and practice of international law provide convincing examples and strong legal arguments for saying that after the revival of 1918, the Polish State acted as a continuance of its pre-partition predecessor. The then established state authority showed full legal conviction and resoluteness in assuming the substantive rights of historic Poland. Such was the will of the nation, implemented by the supreme authorities of the State, i.e. the government, the Sejm and the judiciary.