The concept-category apparatus of symbols and symbolic interaction is analyzed from the sociological point of view. It is emphasized, that the symbols in the social sciences can be not only the subject matter of special research, but also its means as a part of its methodology. Symbol is examined as: social phenomenon, resource of social interaction, adaptive resource, mechanism of self-presentation and the variety of 'social capital'. Besides, the authors analyze the sociological problem of uncertainty of concrete contents of the object designated by certain symbol. The historical evolution is first of all the evolution of forms of symbolic presentation and self-presentation. This statement finds its further confirmation in the article. The systematic review of symbolic interaction within the framework of groups of individual's nearest surroundings, conformities of perception of communicative complexes, mechanisms of self-determination of personality is presented as well. Specificity of accentuation of symbols on resemblance, similarity, identity and sometimes on difference, exception, peculiarity, un-identity is also revealed in the article..