The problem of R&D results commercialization is analyzed in light of the idea about science and innovation as the main source of economic growth of countries, civil and moral fostering of their citizens and the pillar of the statehood. Weak sides and inefficiencies of the official policy in science and technology and innovation field in Ukraine are shown by means of financial indicators of the triad 'science - technology - production' over 2000-2007. It is proved that because of the lack of effective and purposeful administrative regulators of financial flows, monetary capital flees from the material production, especially from its high tech segment. The Strategy for the Innovation-Driven Development of Ukraine, formulated for 2010-2020 with consideration to globalization challenges, is supposed to mitigate the deficiencies of the official S&T and innovation policies in Ukraine. Peculiarities of the commercial activity in Ukrainian science are shown (low domestic demand for R&D against intensive work on foreign contracts) using official statistical data on the Ukraine 2009 budgetary expenditures for science and technology activities.The significance of works by G.M.Dobrov, especially those devoted to targeted evaluation, planning and programming of R&D, which offer tools to deal with the above problems is shown in this context, with reference to some of his theoretical and methodological approaches and models.