In 2006 in Zielona Góra the recruitment for kindergarten was organised by 24 institutions. Each of those has their own concept of the realisation of the programme of kindergarten upbringing and their own offer of additional classes. Kindergartens of the 21st century attempt to encourage parents with their own ideas to enrol the child in their institution. Contemporary times contribute to changes in kindergartens' programmes and the ways of their realisation. Kindergartens rely on the rudiments of the programme approved by the Minister of National Education (MEN), at the same time creating their own base of an original programme executed at the kindergarten. This article is most of all a description of the functioning of one of Zielona Góra's kindergartens, at the same time presenting the beginning of education of little human beings in the Lubuskie province. Kindergarten No.19 in Zielona Góra assures children with a safe stay, creates conditions for comprehensive development of children, both mental, social and emotional, supports every child in its development according to their inborn and developmental possibilities. The kindergarten works on the basis of the officially approved programmes. Nevertheless, it implemets its 'own' programmes: the programme of upbringing, the programme of prevention, the programme of adaptation, the programme of European education 'Journeys in Europe' as well as the educational and deductional programme for a capable child.