This contribution is dealing with the question of mutual relations between science and faith in the prospective of the documents of the Vatican Council II. We can say that the 20th century signed a turn point in this field as the Christian-oriented scientists together with some theologians tried to overcome the dissatisfactory situation and started to compare, harmonize and interconnect the fields of their studies, it means the scientific and the religious ones. New approaches offered by the Council can be generally described as opened to the world, signed by an optimistic prospective and an endeavour for reconciliation. The affirmation of a justified autonomy of the temporal realities and of the fact that the science and the faith cannot be in a true conflict, brought the Council Fathers to express support to the utter progress of the interdisciplinary dialogue. Up to now, the recent experiences confirm that every attempt to create a global synthesis of the scientific and theological knowledge always proved to be only provisory and that the work on building the synthesis of the science and the religion would be probably never complete.