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2010 | 8 | 27-46

Article title

POLITICAL AND MILITARY ACTIVITY OF JAN, JAKUB AND STEFAN POTOCKI IN THE PERIOD OF THE SMOLENSK CAMPAIGN (Dzialalnosc polityczno-wojskowa Jana, Jakuba i Stefana Potockich w okresie kampanii smolenskiej)

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The article deals with the topic of political and military activity of the brothers: Jan, Jakub and Stefan Potocki of the Pilawa coat of arms during the 1609-1613 Smolensk campaign. The relations the Potocki brothers had with Grand Hetman of the Crown - Stanislaw Zólkiewski, Grand Chancellor of Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Lew Sapieha, other senators and leaders and, naturally, king Sigismund III Vasa are of special interest. The Potocki brothers' activities in Smolensk may be considered as a proof that they purposefully and successfully shaped their own image, presenting themselves as outstanding leaders. Although hetman Zólkiewski was the chief leader of the Moscow campaign and during the first stage also the leader of the Smolensk army, the Potocki brothers played a significant role. After Zólkiewski's return from Moscow, they not only refused to get subordinated to their - much more experienced and prominent - colleague but retained influence on activities of the army gathered under the stronghold. The issue of Jan Potocki's regalism is of special interest. He was not enthusiastic about taking part in the, suggested by the king, expedition to the capital of the Moscow State, thus, overtly opposing Sigismund III. This proves that - for Potocki - being faithful to the king did not mean being unconditionally subordinated. It cannot be denied that the brothers were the King's valuable advisors under Smolensk, even though he would not always accept their suggestions. The Potocki brothers jealously protected their image of the best leaders and spared no efforts not to let their success of conquering Smolensk be overshadowed by other leaders' deeds. The Potocki brothers' activities are an example of military careers of rich nobility aspiring to the magnate class.







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  • Marta Kupczewska, Institute of History of the University in Bialystok, Plac Uniwersytecki 1, 15-420 Bialystok, Poland


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Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

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