A small skeletal set from an Old Hungarian necropolis provided us with information concerning bodily attributes of the inhabitants that had buried their dead there at this site. The morphoscopic features, properly complemented with metric data, have proved presence of a yellow race at feminine part of the set, their long-lasting horse driving and a noteworthy ritual or a trendy custom that lied in cut a small bone slice off a skull that is usually known under the name of symbolic trepanation. Relevancy of the symbolic trepanation contention should be conditioned by the adequate and convincing documentation of any first information in the professional literature. The question of the aim of an intentional skull intervention, i. e. what was the goal pursued by cutting a small bone off it (obtaining a bone or cutting a deepening off) has been unsolved yet. The problem has been still open. No doubt, the way to its solving does not lie in uncritical adopting of 'symbolic trepanation' information from the literature.