This paper presents an overview of the life and work of Ahmad Kasravi, one of the most controversial Iranian intellectuals of the first half of the 20th century. Born in 1890 in Tabriz, he became the most outspoken anticlerical intellectual in Iran. In 1946, he was assassinated by radical Shi'ites. Kasravi was a prolific writer; the majority of his works may be divided into three categories: historical, linguistic and socio-religious. As far as the first field is concerned, he was one of the most important Iranian scholars, a pioneer (if not the creator) of modern historiography in Iran. As for his linguistic works, he is best known for the study of the Iranian language of Azerbaijan, as well as for his controversial struggle to reform Persian language. Socio-religious works mainly include his critique of the major religions and intellectual movements in Iran (including those of European origin) and the works describing the deistic religious system created by him, called Pakdini (Pure Religiosity).