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2015 | 27/t.t. | 41-56

Article title

Lumière naturelle jako common sense w ujęciu Błażeja Pascala


Title variants

Lumière Naturrelle as the Common Sense according to Blaise Pascal

Languages of publication


This paper depicts one of the essential elements in the tradition of European philosophy, namely a belief in the commonsensical endowment of the human mind. This position founds the non-evidential beliefs with regard to fundamental questions in theoretical knowledge and in human action. In particular, it combines the approach typical of the Scottish common sense philosophy with the philosophy of Blaise Pascal. In each case it shows the integral character of human knowledge, transcending the set of truths accessible in the knowledge based on discourse (raison). It pinpoints the role Pascal attributed to intuition defined in the categories of sentir or even instinct, working on such categories as esprit de finesse, identified with sens droit or esprit de justesse, categories essential in relation to the knowledge of principes. At the same time thus understood endowment of the human mind (lumière naturelle) corresponds, in certain aspects, to the knowledge based on coeur, the knowledge set in opposition to the rationalistic interpretation of raison, where on the grounds of religion lumière naturelle is complementary to inspiration or révélation.



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