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2016 | 16 |

Article title

Sposoby wyrażania cech i predyspozycji obiektów przyrody w tekstach przeznaczonych dla dzieci

Selected contents from this journal

Title variants

Manners of expressing features and attributes of natural monuments in texts addressed to children

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The article is based on the analysis and interpretation of the material excerpted from the journal Kumpel (Mate) (addressed to children who are young learners). The following issues have been described: 1) names of dimensions applied in narratives about animate and inanimate nature, 2) words exposing or disclaiming features and attributes expressed in numbers, 3) expressions of features’ intensity. The analysis thereof evokes the following conclusion: the process of exposing the effects that positively depart from a “neutral” level by the journal’s editors extrapolates the recipients’ expectations: the approach to search for sensational and extraordinary information that goes beyond anthropocentric space.




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