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2016 | 28 |

Article title

Starość i starzenie się w percepcji osób z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną


Title variants

Old age and ageing of people with intellectual disability

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A change in the form and way of life for persons with intellectual disability, which increases its quality (from a subjective and an objective point of view), entails systematic prolongation of this population’s survival. Designing specific solutions supporting the elderly or preparing them for a favourable ageing process must be preceded by a thorough investigation of these individuals’ needs. The following paper presents results of a study conducted with adult respondents with intellectual disability. Research problems included collecting data on (1) the knowledge and opinions of adults with intellectual disability about old age and ageing in the context of their personal experience with elderly people; (2) their ideas about their own future in the context of old age, including their preferred place and form of existence or activity.




Physical description





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