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2017 | 29/1 |

Article title

O problemie relacji między filozofią a teologią. Preliminaria

Title variants

About the problem of the relationship between philosophy and theology. Preliminaries

Languages of publication


The article aims to show the relationship between philosophy and theology, Ratio and Fides. It shows important problems of contemporary Christian philosophy and the relation of this philosophy to the theory of evolution. The problem of evolution seems to be a central area where religion and science diverge. Despite the worldwide disputes between philosophy and theology, there seems to be an opportunity of reconcilement. The two oppositions, Ratio and Fides, could be considered as equal in terms of epistemology. They seem to be the two ways that lead to one thing – to the Truth. The article is a summary of the most interesting voices in the dialogue between Athens and Jerusalem: it shows the ideas of J. Ratzinger, K. Wojtyła, P.T. de Chardin and M. Heller.




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