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2013 | 4 | 107-123

Article title

Zaangażowanie Polski w operacje zarządzania kryzysowego NATO. Stan obecny i perspektywy



Title variants

Present situation and perspectives of Polish involvement in NATO crisis management operations

Languages of publication



This paper has two objectives – the first one is to present the current state and prospects of Poland’s commitment in NATO-led crisis management operations. The second aim is to give recommendations for policy makers (what is the author’s assumption) for this area. The author is trying to give answers to some research questions like: What is NATO’s role in Poland’s Security Policy? What is the role of crisis management operations in NATO’s strategy from Lisbon. How was Poland participating in NATO’s missions in last few years? And what are their consequences? The answers to these questions will help to make a number of general and specific conclusions. They also allow enunciating many recommendations which were placed in the final section of the text. The author encourages, among others, equal treatment of collective defense and crisis management operations. And the commitment in the above, which allows Poland’s real potential. The author also makes the thesis, telling us about the need for a civil capacity to assist countries in the process of transformation. All of the recommendations are properly backed up and create a field for a content-related discussion on the following subject.


  • Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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