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2013 | 15 - Przywództwo polityczne w Polsce i na świecie | 77-90

Article title

Instytucja prezydenta czy przywództwo prezydenckie - próba rozstrzygnięcia dylematu


Title variants

Institution of the president vs. presidential leadership - what is the difference?

Languages of publication



In this article the author discusses the difference between the concepts of power, leadership and influence; both concerning their use arbitrarily and their treatment as the interdependent variables. The analysis of some of the given definitions show that the term "presidential leadership” is narrowed to describe the public activities of the head of state. Sometimes the term is also used to compare the actions of many presidents. Many authors are inconsistent with their usage of the term in other wider contexts - particularly the contexts of the comprehensive political situation and the context of president's supporters. The conclusion of the article includes a statement claimed that the majority of the books and papers on presidential leadership are not actually on the leadership process but rather the power of the president. Thus, explaining that there is still a need to accurately define and describe the phenomenon of presidential leadership.


  • Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu


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