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2017 | Volume 13 | Issue 3 | 383-408

Article title

The adoption of mobile payment services by consumers: an empirical analysis results


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This study considers the problems of distribution and adoption of mobile payment services in Russia and the factors of their perception by distribution network companies and consumers. To analyze the adoption of mobile payment services, in this article a model is suggested that includes both process-based and factor-based approaches. The model combines the user behavior analysis at different stages of the technology acceptance process and the analysis of the factors that influence this process. Factors are determined both by the features of the technologies themselves and by the characteristics of consumers. Within the framework of the process approach, the diffusion of innovation theory of Rogers (2003) and the technology acceptance model of Davis (1989) have been used. The factor analysis has been used to analyze the perception of mobile payment services by consumers and by distribution network companies. To analyze the factors influencing the decision-making by distribution network companies, the POER model, which allows analyzing internal factors, and the PEER model, which allows analyzing external factors, are used. The factors of perception of mobile payment services by consumers are analyzed using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989). When testing theoretical positions, the approach that comprises model testing at the qualitative stage of research (16 in-depth interviews with representatives of distribution network companies and 34 in-depth interviews with consumers) and subsequent empirical research (based on a sample of 128 distribution network companies and 429 consumer respondents) were applied. Based on the analysis results, conclusions were made about the impact of various factors on the acceptance of mobile payment services, and recommendations for companies that develop and implement mobile payment services have been worked out.This study considers the problems of distribution and adoption of mobile payment services in Russia and the factors of their perception by distribution network companies and consumers. To analyze the adoption of mobile payment services, in this article a model is suggested that includes both process- and factor-based approaches. The model combines the user behavior analysis at different stages of the technology acceptance process and the analysis of the factors that influence this process. Factors are determined both by the features of the technologies themselves and by the characteristics of consumers. Within the framework of the process approach, the diffusion of innovation theory of E. Rogers and the technology acceptance model of F. Davis have been used. The factor analysis has been used to analyze the perception of mobile payment services by consumers and by distribution network companies. To analyze the factors influencing the decision-making by distribution network companies, the POER model, which allows analyzing internal factors, and the PEER model, which allows analyzing external factors, are used. The factors of perception of mobile payment services by consumers are analyzed using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989). When testing theoretical positions, the approach that comprises model testing at the qualitative stage of research (16 in-depth interviews with representatives of distribution network companies and 34 in-depth interviews with consumers) and subsequent empirical research based on a sample of 128 distribution network companies and 429 consumer respondents were applied. Based on the analysis results, conclusions were made about the impact of various factors on the acceptance of mobile payment services, and recommendations for companies that develop and implement mobile payment services have been worked out.






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  • Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia
  • Department of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia


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