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2014 | 16 - Konteksty bezpieczeństwa w Afryce. Problemy globalne, sektorowe, regionalne, lokalne | 345-391

Article title

Czarownictwo jako wyzwanie dla bezpieczeństwa społecznego - przypadek Tanzanii



Title variants

Witchcraft as a challenge to social security: The case of Tanzania

Languages of publication



The article outlines the issues of witchcraft in Tanzania in the context of related social consequences. The article discusses the historical background of the phenomenon of witchcraft, process of bureaucratization of witchcraft in the colonial period and current press releases and position of local NGOs in this regard. The main conclusion which follows from the considerations contained in the text is that the phenomenon of witchcraft is associated with social security in Tanzania, where social security is defined as the absence of threats to life, property and the health of individuals, and protection against discrimination. Among the groups most vulnerable to the negative consequences associated with witchcraft are older and single women and albinos.


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