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2021 | 2/47/2021 | 497-520

Article title

An interdisciplinary approach to environmental protection: legal, economic, technological, and philosophical considerations


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Objectives This paper aims to present the relations between legal, economic, technological instruments and the factors affecting the dominating standard of social awareness which affects ethical choices in the scope of environmental protection. Material and methods The article uses the method of analysis and criticism of the literature as well as dogmatic and legal. Results Effective environmental protection demands an interdisciplinary approach. It should rest on the foundation of legal regulations setting out rules for the use and protection of natural resources with the principle of sustainable development. People need these resources for survival but they contribute to their degradation. To secure the basic rights of people, the environment and economic growth, effective environmental protection is a must. Conclusions This analysis served to develop a model that integrates these elements for the purpose of effective environmental protection. In a nutshell, effective environmental protection cannot be attained through legal instruments alone; they must be coordinated – the use of the best available techniques – with adequate economic tools and ethical standing of the society.





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  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland
  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland


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