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2021 | 2/47/2021 | 359-376

Article title

Changes taking place in the proven central banking model in Poland



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On the European continent, the banking system is a leading element of the financial market. In particular, the banking system in democratic countries is characteriz by a two-tier level, i.e. an independent central bank, whose main task is to ensur stable price levels, and the commercial banking sector providing services directly the economy. hTe Polish banking system underwent a major transformation between years 1989-1992, along with the systemic changes of the whole country. Polish banking had to undergo adjustment processes in the efild of law, changes in the banking culture an changes in the way of thinking of people managing individual chains in the banking system. In the author's opinion, Polish banking system has made good use of the past 30 years, both in terms of the functioning of the central bank and strengthening t environment that consists of commercial banks, including cooperative banks and several state-owned banks. eTh proof of a positive assessment of the banking system may be the successful maintenance of the Polish currency in the acceptable range deviations from the inflation target and the global crisis in 2007-2014, which Polish banks (a Polish bank is a bank that operates on the territory of the Republic of Pola and obeys applicable law) have passed without noticeable dificulties in financial liquidity. It is worth mentioning that during recent crisis in Western Europe lar banks went bankrupt (TBTF) or threatened with bankruptcy, had to be saved by governments using public funds. eThre was no such necessity in Poland.





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  • University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland


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