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2005 | 13 | 175-185

Article title

Ornament sznurowy na ceramice ludności kultury amfor kulistych z Poznania-Nowego Miasta (stan. 314)


Title variants

A corded ornament on the Globular Amphorae Culture pottery from Poznań-Nowe Miasto (site 314)

Languages of publication



The article discusses a corded decoration on pottery from the Amphorae Globular Culture seasonal camp. Analysis of impressions on the pot outer surfaces revealed that this characteristic motif was produced by a simple textile template. Fragments of a five-stranded cord (S/3S/2Z) - certainly not a two-stranded one - were sewn on a net 'band' (item of a sprang type). This technique guaranteed a precise layout and space between particular impressions (ca. 2 mm each) on a soft amphorae (?) surface irrespective of an angle of ornament placements and decorative element joints.
The article discusses a corded decoration on pottery from the Amphorae Globular Culture seasonal camp. Analysis of impressions on the pot outer surfaces revealed that this characteristic motif was produced by a simple textile template. Fragments of a five-stranded cord (S/3S/2Z) - certainly not a two-stranded one - were sewn on a net 'band' (item of a sprang type). This technique guaranteed a precise layout and space between particular impressions (ca. 2 mm each) on a soft amphorae (?) surface irrespective of an angle of ornament placements and decorative element joints.







Physical description




  • Instytut Prahistorii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland
  • Instytut Prahistorii, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań, Poland


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