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2018 | 23 | 61-80

Article title

Interpretacja stanowisk prahistorycznych Niaux i la Vache w Pirenejach jako „miejsc pamięci” i „krajobrazu pamięci”



Title variants

The interpretation of the prehistoric sites Niaux and la Vache as “sites of memory” and “landscape of memory”

Languages of publication



This article is an attempt to interpret Niaux prehistoric sites (where rites and rock paintings were discovered) and La Vache (the place where the prehistoric people were camped) in the Pyrenees as “sites of memory” and “landscape of memory”. The article attempts to answer the question of whether cave positions that are the subject of the work can be interpreted and defined as “sites of memory” from a modern point of view, and whether the cave in Niaux could be a kind of “site of memory” for the prehistoric population. Additionally, whether the area within which these two caves are located can be considered as part of the “landscape of memory”.
This article is an attempt to interpret Niaux prehistoric sites (where rites and rock paintings were discovered) and La Vache (the place where the prehistoric people were camped) in the Pyrenees as “sites of memory” and “landscape of memory”. The article attempts to answer the question of whether cave positions that are the subject of the work can be interpreted and defined as “sites of memory” from a modern point of view, and whether the cave in Niaux could be a kind of “site of memory” for the prehistoric population. Additionally, whether the area within which these two caves are located can be considered as part of the “landscape of memory”.






Physical description




  • Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, Ośrodek Studiów Pradziejowych i Średniowiecznych ul. Rubież 46, 61-612 Poznań


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