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2018 | 23 | 169-188

Article title

Dystrybucja i rola sztyletów krzemiennych wśród społeczności grupy kościańskiej kultury unietyckiej – analiza typologiczno-chronologiczna materiałów z Niziny Wielkopolsko-Kujawskiej oraz studium przypadku znaleziska z Bronikowa (gm. Śmigiel)


Title variants

Distribution and role of flint daggers among Únětice Culture Kościan Group communities – typological and chronological analysis of materials from the Wielkopolska-Kujawy lowland and a case study of the Bronikowo (com. Śmigiel) stray find

Languages of publication



The article focuses on the matter of significance of flint daggers on the area settled by Early Bronze Age societies connected with Únětice Culture Kościan Group. Analytical part is separated into two sections. The first is a case study of a stray find from Bronikowo (com. Śmigiel) and the second involve typological analysis of flint daggers from western part of Polish Lowlands. Results gathered give an overview of an issue propounded in a title.






Physical description




  • Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
  • Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza
  • Instytut Archeologii, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza


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