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2023 | 25 | 299-319

Article title

Dijalog Boga i čovjeka: komunikacija u pjesmi Mojsije Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića



Title variants

Dialogue of God and Man: Communication in the Poem Moses by Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević

Languages of publication


Croatian Romanticism uses a multitude of Judeo-Christian motifs. Kranjčević’s Moses enters into a direct dialogue with God, who is not only a distant transcendental authority, but also a concrete being who responds to the people’s cries. When Moses indicates dissatisfaction with his people’s slavery, God reciprocates with both words and actions. The objective of this article is to look at thedialogues between man and God in the poem Moses in order to contribute to the research of the theme of communication between man and God in Croatian romantic poetry. The main subject of the poem is Moses, who is culturally more relevant for Judaism than for Christianity; his contribution in the Bible is connected to the struggle and active liberation from slavery. Unlike Christianity, Judaism affirms a revolutionary Messiah. In this poem, Moses is the prototype of a universal man in search of God, whereas communication is a prerequisite for solving individual and collective problems.






Physical description




  • The Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek


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