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2016 | 30 | 353-368

Article title

Świętość Kościoła w ujęciu św. Piotra Chryzologa


Title variants

Holiness of the Church According to Sermons of St. Peter Chrysologus

Languages of publication



The article Holiness of the Church according to Sermons of St. Peter Chrysologus presents one aspect of the ecclesiology of the bishop of Ravenna. Among the most popular questions, which are evidenced in his theological reflection, it is necessary to evidence, that Church Fathers focus their attention on an ontological aspect of the Church’s holiness which finds its foundation in Christ. Frequent references to ideas of the Mystical Body of Christ or the Church as a spouse of Christ confirm our opinion. It is necessary to admit that these themes, like other questions, developed in Chrysologus’s sermons (the role of the sacrament or belief that there is no salvation outside the Church) are already known in the patristic literature. Therefore the ecclesiology of the bishop of Ravenna is not original. However, taking into consideration the pastoral dimension of his teaching, it is clear that the objective of his sermons was different than to present an ecclesiological treatise. The results of analytical researches allow to complete the picture of the doctrine of the Church by its unknown aspect, contained in the teaching of the bishop of Ravenna.
The article Holiness of the Church according to Sermons of St. Peter Chrysologus presents one aspect of the ecclesiology of the bishop of Ravenna. Among the most popular questions, which are evidenced in his theological reflection, it is necessary to evidence, that Church Fathers focus their attention on an ontological aspect of the Church’s holiness which finds its foundation in Christ. Frequent references to ideas of the Mystical Body of Christ or the Church as a spouse of Christ confirm our opinion. It is necessary to admit that these themes, like other questions, developed in Chrysologus’s sermons (the role of the sacrament or belief that there is no salvation outside the Church) are already known in the patristic literature. Therefore the ecclesiology of the bishop of Ravenna is not original. However, taking into consideration the pastoral dimension of his teaching, it is clear that the objective of his sermons was different than to present an ecclesiological treatise. The results of analytical researches allow to complete the picture of the doctrine of the Church by its unknown aspect, contained in the teaching of the bishop of Ravenna.






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