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2018 | 29 | 15-29

Article title

Rodin, czyli świat. Dwie kosmogonie – Rainera Marii Rilkego i Georga Simmla


Title variants

Rodin, or the world. Two cosmogonies – Rainer Maria Rilke and Georg Simmel

Languages of publication



The article is a comparative analysis of the modernist aesthetics of creation. It describes how Rilke and Georg Simmel discovered August Rodin’s rules of modern perception, sensitivity and creative imagination. In the work of both writers we see them striving to interpret works of art as a creative process that is the effect of their astute diagnosis of contemporary culture. A new approach to aisthesis restores value to aesthetic experience and opens up broader learning opportunities.
The article is a comparative analysis of the modernist aesthetics of creation. It describes how Rilke and Georg Simmel discovered August Rodin’s rules of modern perception, sensitivity and creative imagination. In the work of both writers we see them striving to interpret works of art as a creative process that is the effect of their astute diagnosis of contemporary culture. A new approach to aisthesis restores value to aesthetic experience and opens up broader learning opportunities.






Physical description





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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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