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2020 | 34 | 395-407

Article title

Rzut oka na trylogię (pod redakcją) Danuty Ulickiej


Title variants

A Glance at the Trilogy (edited by) Danuta Ulicka

Languages of publication


The article contains a synthetic overview of the trilogy The Age of Theory, edited by Danuta Ulicka. It is the first comprehensive study of the achievements of Polish theoretical literary studies since its birth in the 1920s. The edition includes a multi-author monograph, organized according to “cultural themes” (as understood by Opler), to which the author of the article devotes most of her attention,and an extensive selection of texts preceded by factual introductions (two volumes of anthology) representative of the problem blocks discussed in the first part. Without questioning the content of the anthology, and especially the cognitive value of the monograph, which is based on innovative methodological assumptions and proves that modern literary theory was born in Central and Eastern Europe, and Polish works played an important role in its development, the author wishes it included the work of W. Borowy, the pioneer of intertextuality or J. Baudouin de Courtenay’s texts, which foresaw heteroglosia and minus-device.






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  • Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


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Biblioteka Nauki

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