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2019 | 55 | 163-182

Article title

Bohaterstwo narodowe w kontekście świeckim i religijnym – o powiązaniach między nacjonalizmem, religią a edukacją


Title variants

National Heroism in the Secular and Religious Context – Links Between Nationalism, Religion and Education

Languages of publication



A general theme of the text to discuss ideological mechanisms of non-representation of politicallylegitimized knowledge of underprivileged groups in the society, including women and religious orethnic minorities in school textbooks, particularly in the area of history. Analysis of dominant viewson the place of socially marginalized social groups in history textbook narratives and curricular objectivesseems to be more important than ever before. Relating to Michel Foucault’s concept of discoursesof truth, the aim of the text is to consider the dominant regime of truth in relation to national heroism,religion and a citizenship ideal. National heroism narratives in history textbooks are always placed isa broader context of building representations of a national identity and attempting to develop a unifiednotion of good citizenship. Both the nationhood and citizenship perspectives are sometimes symbolicallyrelated to the attempt of shaping emotional identification with a dominant religion.






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