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2018 | 45 | 2 | 65-78

Article title

La invisibilitat com a matèria política: Vermell de Cadmi de Margarida Aritzeta i Los invisibles de José María Merino



Title variants

Invisibility as a political matter: Vermell de Cadmi by Margarida Aritzeta, and Los invisibles by José María Merino

Languages of publication



Invisibility is the main motif of two non-mimetic novels belonging to the Catalan and Spanish literature respectively: Vermell de Cadmi [Cadmium Red] (1984) by Margarida Aritzeta, and Los invisibles [The Invisible] (2000) by José María Merino. The aim of the present article is to compare both novels by analysing how the dialectical process between body, fantasticality, and social conflict works in them, taking into account their historic and literary contexts, possible interpretations of the unusual events from an ideological point of view, and the strategies used for achieving the fantastic effect in both of them.
Invisibility is the main motif of two non-mimetic novels belonging to the Catalan and Spanish literature respectively: Vermell de Cadmi [Cadmium Red] (1984) by Margarida Aritzeta, and Los invisibles [The Invisible] (2000) by José María Merino. The aim of the present article is to compare both novels by analysing how the dialectical process between body, fantasticality, and social conflict works in them, taking into account their historic and literary contexts, possible interpretations of the unusual events from an ideological point of view, and the strategies used for achieving the fantastic effect in both of them.








Physical description




  • Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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