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2015 | 10 | 2(18) | 67-87

Article title

Penitencjaria Apostolska: Trybunał miłosierdzia w służbie Kościołowi


Title variants

The Apostolic Penitentiary: Tribunal of Mercy at the Service of the Church

Languages of publication



W niniejszym artykule autor, Regent Penitencjarii Apostolskiej, przedstawiła najstarszą dykasterię Kurii Rzymskiej, którą jest Penitencjaria Apostolska, jej struktury, kompetencje, działania i sposoby codziennej pracy. Omówiono także kwestię przewinień, które ze względu na ich wagę, są zarezerwowane dla Stolicy Apostolskiej.Zwrócono uwagę, że Trybunał Miłosierdzia w służbie Kościoła opiera się na doświadczeniu wieków historii Kościoła, może być udowodnione, że wszystko dotyczące forum wewnętrznych w Kościele ma nieocenioną wartość. Misją Kościoła jest zbawienie dusz. W tej misji Trybunału Penitencjarii Apostolskiej wkracza w bardzo szczególny sposób.
In this paper the author, the Regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary, has illustrated the oldest Dicastery of the Roman Curia, which is the Apostolic Penitentiary, its structure, competency, activities and the method of its daily work, as well as the treatment of cases of conscience which, because of their gravity, are reserved to the Apostolic See. It was pointed out that it is the Tribunal of Mercy at the service of the Church, and that based on the experience of centuries of Church history, it can be proven that everything pertaining to the internal forum in the Church is of inestimable value. The mission of the Church is the salvation of souls. In this mission the Tribunal of the Apostolic Penitentiary enters in a most special way. It is therefore good that such a Tribunal of Divine Mercy exists, and that it serves the faithful on their way of reconciliation with God. This Tribunal was and is a daily witness to so many conversions. The Penitentiary is proud of the possibility of carrying out this service, mindful of the words spoken by the Savior: „There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over the ninety- nine righteous persons who need no conversion (Luke 15: 7). The Penitentiary does not hide transgressions, but acting in the internal forum and examining matters of human conscience and weakness, is aware of the mission received of reconciliation with God and the Church, not forgetting the fundamental truth that faith is based on the truth of the Revelation of the Lord, and not on the people in the Church. The Church is made up of sinners, but its Founder is holy, his doctrine is holy and calls us to a life of holiness.







Physical description




  • Penitencjaria Apostolska, Rzym


  • Źródła prawa
  • ---
  • Clemens VI, Bulla iubilaei unigenitus Dei Filus, 27 ian. 1343, in D-SCh 1025-1027:Extravagantes comunes, 5, 9, 2.
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Document Type

Publication order reference


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