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2022 | 22 | 249-271

Article title

Tekstologiczno-kodykologiczne studium przypadku polskojęzycznej metryki zgonu w Liber Mortuorum (1867–1878) jako rodzaju tekstu


Title variants

A textlinguistic-codicological case study of the Polish Death Certificate in Liber Mortuorum (1867–1878) seen as a text type

Languages of publication


The present paper involves a textlinguistic‑codicological analysis and attempts to identify the specific features of the Polish administrative language in the entries of the 19th c. parish register from the town of Busko‑Zdrój. The aim of the study is to answer the question as to whether the examined annotations can be regarded as a pattern of a parish register record, and henceforth as a text type. The author investigates the structure and characteristics of different register entries, with research field determined by the general structure and functionfunction of parish register records and annotations of these records.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Jagielloński


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