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2021 | 16 | 19-41

Article title

Field Research in the Targowisko Region in 2018–2019


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The article presents the results of test excavations at three sites in the early Neolithic settlement region of Targowisko, carried out in 2018–2019. The goal of these investigations was the detection of fragments of Neolithic settlement zones where only one building phase has survived. It was decided to perform this task using a magnetometer as part of a slightly wider program of geomagnetic prospection. The second goal was to acquire sets of arti- and ecofacts related to the shortest possible period of time, i.e. equal to the existence of one family living in one house, representing one cultural tradition. The third goal was to explain the generators and mechanisms of early Neolithic cultural transformation from a micro-regional perspective


  • Łódzka Fundacja Naukowa
  • Institute of Archaeology, Rzeszow University


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