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2022 | 43 | 17-28

Article title

Lightweight dwellings of the Funnel Beaker Culture from Vynnyky-Lysivka (Western Ukraine) and the phase CII of the Tripolye Culture from Gordinești II-Stinca goală (Northern Moldova) as examples of houses from the late 4th Millennium BC


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The paper presents the issue of house constructions from the second half of the 4th millennium BC in western Ukraine and northern Moldova. While numerous reports concerning the dwellings of the Funnel Beaker Culture from the area east of the Bug River has been published, these accounts did not provide enough information to precisely assess their construction details. The first such structure whose features can be described in detail is the house from the site Lysivka in Vynnyky. The construction of the dwelling was lightweight, analogous to residential structures from the eastern group of the Funnel Beaker Culture. Another debatable topic was the characteristics of houses of the Gordinești group of the Tripolye Culture. Archaeological research at the site of Gordinești II-Stînca goală proved that communities of the late stage of this culture lived in lightweight houses that were built using clay. Neither the residential structures from the Vynnyky-Lysivka site, nor those from the site of Gordineşti II-Stînca goală, should be regardedas analogy to the classical “ploshchadkas” of the Tripolye Culture.


  • Institute of Archaeology of the University of Rzeszów
  • Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Institute of Archaeology of the University of Rzeszów


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