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2022 | 1 | 129-153

Article title

Product Design and Its Impact on Consumer Purchase Decision. Case Study of TBL, Azam, Coca-Cola, MeTL and Tanga Fresh Milk in Tanzania



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This study wanted to find to what extent are consumers attracted by design or packages of the products when buying them. The objective of this study is to find out the impact of product design on consumer decision. The study was done by collecting data from questionnaires and interviews and they were then analyzed by using percentage distribution tables and later presented in graphical illustrations. The researcher gave the below recommendation in order for companies to succeed as they need to make sure that they care about their customers’ satisfaction before thinking of only making profits or gaining from them. From this, as product design is one of the big factors that attracts customers to buying companies products, it is very important to care about it and work really hard to accomplish this as a company.






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